Wow! You took a bold step. You started your own business. You have everything lined up. You know your product, your service, you have your office organized, and you have set your schedule, so that friends and family know when you will be working. And....
Nothing. Why? You let the one enemy creep into your mind. Oh, it starts out small-a rejection or two. Then it gets a little bigger-you can't seem to meet certain deadlines. Now you are looking at self-doubt. This is a very slippery slope.
Because if you let it get out of control. Next thing is you're afraid. Fear has moved in and is planted in the easy chair. What the heck do you do now? What is holding you back? We get so far into a project and stop. We think something is a great idea, but never follow through. Some of us are so stuck in our ruts, and keep tripping over the same obstacles. Why? Ruts are comfortable groves that we have made in the path way of life. But there is more to it. Sometimes we can not see through our emotion veils, and what holds on to us is fear Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of disappointing others, fear of success. Fear is part of the natural world. Fear warns us. Fear keeps us from being eaten by bears. Fear keeps out of the deep end of the pool if we can't swim. This type of fear is normal Too much fear is harmful to us. Fear produces our "flight or fight" response. This produces Adrenaline. Adrenaline heightens our senses. However prolonged fear can damage certain organs of the body. The heart the kidneys, the thyroid. If you are afraid all the time. Then this is something you need to address. Did you know that there are things you can do to get through your fear? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Talk to some one about what scares you. 2. Write down what scares you. 3. get more information 4. Have faith. 5. take action Take little steps. Learn to swim. Find someone to help you with that idea. Keep your head up. If you can see the big picture, and stay out of caves. Fear will subside.